Winter Wellbeing

This is the time of year when a lot of people will try and start getting active again, why don’t you join in? It could be a new year’s resolution or just a promise to yourself, it’s certainly a good time to start brushing the cobwebs off your trainers. We’ve put together a quick insight into how to keep healthy and active, whether it’s through joining Hertfordshire Sports Village, or getting involved with Active Students.

With that in mind, why not sign up to a Sports Village membership to help you feel better and improve your mental health? Plus, you can save some pennies on Gold and Silver memberships in January as there is no joining fee. Saving up to 45% on your first month! 

You’ll get use of Hertfordshire Sports Village and the Oval 24-hour gym, 25m Swimming Pool and up to 90 exercise classes – what are you waiting for? Give your January a kick start.

Hertfordshire Sports Village gym is located on de Havilland Campus and is equipped with a range of resistance and cardio Matrix Fitness machines along with a large free weights area and a large multi-use functional training rig. 

The Oval is home to the state-of-the-art 50 station gym, available for use exclusively by University of Hertfordshire students and staff. And it’s located conveniently on College Lane so you can continue training whichever campus you are on. With 24-hour opening, you are able to train whenever it suits you!

If the gym isn’t your things then the 25 metre, 8 lane deck level pool offers a modern state-of-the-art swimming experience for you to enjoy. The design of the pool provides great flexibility to all swimmers whether you swim for fitness, competition, fun or relaxation.

There is also a range of other facilities available at a discounted price for student members from badminton, tennis and squash courts to free use of the MUGA on college lane!
So to sign up for a membership now, go to:

Low on cash and looking for some more occasional sporting opportunities? Why not give Active Students a try? 

What is Active Students?

Active Students is so much more than traditional sport. It’s a great way for you to meet new people and experience something for the first time, whilst having fun and staying healthy. All activities are FREE and you can turn up when you want – no sign up, no commitment, no cost.

So, if you want a break from studying, want to see what’s going on around campus or want to meet some new people, then join us at a session.

We offer over 30 different sports, dance and activities at various time of the day across both campuses, 7 days a week (for example Pickleball, Yoga, Bootcamp, Boxing). To see what sessions we offer visit our website:

The benefits of Active Students: Activator’s Point of View:

Hiya, I’m Nina. I’m an Activator. What’s that? Glad you asked – we work for Active Students and Active Staff, setting up the sessions you love – helping you into the skates that will help you discover your next obsession, or pumping up the football you scored that impossible shot with, or making sure that your mat is waiting for you in Yoga when you need some chill time, and of course stamping that magical fifteenth session on your loyalty card!

This job means a lot to me, as you can no doubt guess. It can be hard to jump in to a new hobby, especially somewhere new, and our sessions are free and inclusive, which has brought me to try things I’d never heard of, and I’ve seen many people grow close through these sessions – which is one of the best parts of my job. Also, I am a firm believer that physical activity and socialising help towards a healthy mind, which is incredibly relevant especially in a high-stress environment like university! For me, this job has shaped me into a more confident, outgoing version of myself, and I have loved meeting you – whether you’ve been to one or all my sessions, and I look forward to meeting more of you soon.

The benefits of Active Students: Q&A with an Active Students participant

Tell us about yourself…
I am studying Business Management and I’m from Argentina.

How did you hear about Active Students?
I met an Activator who told me about Active Students and then I started following Active Students on Instagram.

Which sessions have you been going to?
I have done touch rugby, football, xfitness, core conditioning, yoga, squash, roller skating and boxing.

Why do you love Active Students? 
I love it because I can practice many different sports in really fun and professional sessions, where you provide all the equipment that is needed so I just have to take care about having fun. Also, it let me meet lots of people and make a lot of friends. Active students has enabled me to be healthier and funnier experience at University of Hertfordshire.

Do you think that Active Students has made a difference to your student experience at the University?
In my opinion, Active Students is one of the best things about student life here at the University of Hertfordshire. Giving students this amazing opportunity for free is unbelievably thoughtful. I had never heard about this in other universities and I think it should be introduced to all partner universities in the future.

Jaiminee Pancholi, Marketing manager of student activity at Hertfordshire Sports Village and Alice Horton, Senior Sports Development Officer for Active Students
