Prepare for your summer holidays with the Campus Pharmacy

Are you heading off to anywhere nice on holiday this summer? It’s important to ensure you’re fully prepared for your adventure and what lies ahead, including making sure you’re up to date with your travel vaccines. Don’t overlook how important they can be, they can be life savers sometimes! The campus pharmacy shares how they can help you prepare for your summer holiday adventures.

Learn about your destination country. Travel vaccines can vary by destination, so even if you’ve recently been abroad and had vaccines, you may need different ones for your new destination. In some countries, just an ice cube in a cocktail can make you need to run to the bathroom 20 times a day, sweat through a fever, have bad cramps and suffer from serious fluid loss. Not the most ideal way to spend your summer holiday, is it?

Make sure to get vaccinated in plenty of time, it is recommended to get vaccinated at least 4 to 6 weeks before you travel. This gives enough time for the vaccines to start working, so you’re protected while you’re travelling. Some vaccines require more than 1 dose, so remember to leave enough time to get the multiple doses you may need.

If you are someone who suffers with chronic illnesses but you’re still planning to travel abroad, make sure you’re in the know about your illness. The Campus Pharmacy can help provide some general information for you to help you prepare for your trip.

Along with this, the Campus Pharmacy can provide a range of medicines and products available to purchase to both prevent and treat minor ailments whilst abroad. Some examples of minor ailments are colds, coughs, earaches, hay fever or a sore throat. 

The Campus Pharmacy can supply administration of all travel vaccines except for Yellow Fever. They can even supply malaria prophylaxis without a prescription. So, with all these right at your front door, why not head down and make sure you’re vaccinated correctly for any summer holidays you have planned. You can call them on 01707 284054 or pop in to the Campus Pharmacy in Hutton Hub, College Lane, to book an appointment and find out which vaccinations you may need along with prices. They are open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm (9-4 on Fridays).

Dipali Yajnik
Superintendent Pharmacist
