Summer on My Mind

When we think of the summer time, we think of lazy days chilling out in the sun, eating ice cream or drinking with friends, without a care in the world.

But, for many of us, the summer months aren’t always that simple!

As a student, your experience of the summer will depend on lots of factors – whether you’re on placement or working, whether you have re-sits to take, and if you’re on a course that runs throughout the summer months.

For those who need to remain in Hatfield over the summer, the vacation can sometimes pose a challenge, in that you may not have so many friends, and people who can support, around you. Or, if you’ve gone back home for the holidays, adjusting to living with family again after living more independently all term can feel a bit tricky too! In both scenarios, it’s important to reach out to friends and find ways of structuring your time so that you don’t end up feeling isolated and disconnected. And if you’re struggling with how you’re feeling and will be local to Hatfield, remember that Student Wellbeing remains open during the vacation.

But what about taking time out for rest, relaxation and fun?

For some, it may not be realistic to be able to take long periods of care-free holidays but try to give yourself some downtime where you can relax and recharge. If you’re the kind of person who finds it hard to give yourself a proper break, remind yourself that taking time out can give your brain an opportunity to make sense of what you have learned so far and should also allow you to feel fresher and more able to focus when you do get back to your academic studies.

And if you’re off travelling this summer, then try to enjoy the new opportunities and adventures you may face. But maybe don’t put too much pressure on yourself for every day to be awesome and perfect. Holidays can be amazing, but much like the rest of life, there may also be more difficult times. Work out in advance who you can contact if things get tough and make contingency plans in case you need to come home earlier than planned.

There are some things which none of us can control or predict - such as the “Great British weather” and (dare we mention it?) the developing political situation in the UK! But looking after ourselves, keeping in touch with friends and reaching out for support when needed, is something we can all try to work on.

Nell Boulton
