Top 5 tips for making the most of your summer

Summer is finally here, you’ve done your exams and your assignments, it’s finally time for some sunshine, ice cream and holidays. I’m sure you can’t wait! Here are some top tips that I would recommend to make the most of your summer:

1.    Keep in contact with your friends

It sounds cliché, but you will miss your friends from university, you’ve lived with them or gone to classes with them every day for at least a year, so it can be strange going from seeing a group of people every day to not seeing them at all. So, you should certainly keep in contact with your friends from university, make sure to give them a call every now and again for a chat about how your summer holidays are going. Or if you can, meet up with your friends, even though you may be a long way away from each other, try and designate a day where you can travel to one of your friends, or chose a halfway destination which is convenient for everyone.

2.    Think about getting a job

Of course, you need some relaxation time and some time to yourself but at the same time, you need to think about your future. Working over a summer, or even doing a couple of weeks work experience, can really help you stand out and give you more examples and transferrable skills to talk about in future job interviews. Try and find something in the field you study in, as that would help enhance your CV. It is also a great opportunity to meet new people and get some good contacts for the future, along with that, it can help get you out of the house. 

3.    Be Active

Don’t turn into a couch potato this summer, it is important to stay active, get out and about, do some exercise whenever you can, just make sure you leave the house. I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of wasting a weekend or even a summer staying in, watching tv and eating junk food. Unsurprisingly, that isn’t great for your health, don’t forget about staying healthy this summer, eat right and be active. Go out when you can - if you go to the gym, keep that up - if you regularly play sports, keep that up. If you’re local, head down to the Hertfordshire Sports Village, which will be open during summer, check out some of their activities on the website.

4.    Tick something off your bucket list

We’ve all got things we really want to do; we’ve all got a bucket list. Well now you’ve got this free time, why not do something from your list. It could be anything from skydiving to wanting to travel to a different country, it’s your list! Whatever it is, this summer is the ideal time to tick something off, so go do something you’ve always wanted to do! 

5.    Relax

Have some time to yourself. You’ve stressed over your exams and had long nights of writing assignments; you deserve a bit of time to relax. I wouldn’t recommend relaxing all over summer, as you may have other responsibilities or a job, so relax but don’t completely switch off. Again, you deserve this!

Max Cresswell
Internal Communications Assistant
