Top 8 webinars to prepare you for Graduate life

Graduating this Summer? Take a look at our leavers programme of webinars that are taking place to help you over the coming weeks and months. Our online webinars will help you outline your career options as a new graduate and cover strategies to help you make informed decisions, plan your next steps and stay positive and motivated.

Starting your job search can be daunting, so we have online webinars to help you work out how to plan your job/course search and identify suitable websites and sources to find the right jobs, internships or courses for you.

We also have Webinars covering creating an effective CV, personal statements, preparing for online psychometric tests, networking on LinkedIn, pre-interview research, tackling competency questions at the interview and tips for negotiating your salary and making a great first impression.  As you can see, we’ve got you covered!

And if you decide that you want to continue to study and enhance your qualifications then watch our postgraduate webinar on how to decide on, apply and fund a postgraduate course.

Top 8 Webinars:

#2           How to search for a graduate job

#6           Getting the most from LinkedIn

#7           Preparing for Interviews

Book your place for any of these webinars through CareerHub by searching ‘Leavers’ in the events section.

Michael Chapman - Careers and Employment Officer
