Introducing your Students' Union officers

As the start of the academic year approaches, we welcome our new Students’ Union officers into their roles. We’ve put this blog together so you can get to know your new elected officers. Remember that they want to make your student experience here at Herts amazing! They represent you and your academic interests; they ensure that if you have any issues on your course or related to your studies that your concerns are heard by the staff. And of course, they organise your club nights at the Forum.

Meet Rida
(Rida Shafqat, President)

Tell us a little bit about yourself

I’m Rida, the current President of the Students’ Union. I studied Biomedical Engineering here at Herts. I love to play table tennis and watch Netflix whenever I get some free time. One of my favourite TV shows is ‘Friends’!

What do you love most about Herts SU?

I love that the SU represents and puts students first. It’s great to be able to make real change to benefit students’ studies academically and make sure students have the best time at Uni!

What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation?

Being an International student and what it means to me

Meet Saj
(Muhammad Sajid, Vice President Activities)

Tell us a little bit about yourself

Hi, I’m Sajid, but you can call me Saj! I study Engineering at UH and have taken a year out of my studies to be your VP Activities. I’m an amateur guitarist, globe trotter and enjoy trying different cuisines. I also love making new friends, so feel free to say hi to me if you see me around on campus. 

What do you love most about Herts SU?

I love the friendly environment. I also love that new ideas are always welcomed and appreciated – it’s also a great place to meet new people.

What are you looking forward to the most in the next 10 years?

I’m looking forward to working on my skills, improving myself as a person and working on my start-up.

Meet Farhan
(Farhan Rafique, Vice President Community)

Tell us a little bit about yourself

I have just finished my studies in Law here at UH. I love travelling and was elected three times as your NUS delegate to represent your views and interests on a National level. I hope to carry this on as your VP Community.

What do you love most about Herts SU?

The staff members at the SU are very cooperative and helpful. I’m happy to see that they prioritise students’ issues and take all the reasonable steps to resolve issues as soon as possible.

Small things that make you happy?

Smiling faces and a friendly atmosphere never fail to make me happy.

Meet Amy
(Amy Holloway-Smith, Vice President Education)

Tell us a little bit about yourself

I’m a Law graduate from Herts, and am delighted to be your current VP Education! Anyone who knows me knows I love baking, so you just might be lucky to get a tasty treat if you come into the SU Office to speak to me

What do you love most about Herts SU?

I love the sense of community. The Students’ Union has helped me to feel more integrated in University life, not only by enhancing my social experience but by providing me with volunteering, skills and job opportunities during my time at UH!

What would be your ideal way to spend the weekend?

A spa weekend would be perfect. I’m thinking lazing around in a robe, with an all you can eat buffet breakfast followed by lying down all day with the odd break to get in the jacuzzi and go for a massage. And eat some cake. I like cake.
