Getting the most from your LRCs

Getting the most from your LRCs

From study skills support to finding the resources you need, Sian from our Library and Computing Services team shares her advice on how to get the most out of the Campus LRCs.

Study Success Hubs

Our Study Success Hubs on the ground floor of the LRCs are a great way to brush up on lots of valuable skills to help you succeed in your studies. From English and Maths support to how to correctly reference your assignments, you’ll find expert help and 1-1 support on hand.  Search ‘Study Success Hub’ on Ask Herts to find out more and check out the session timetables on display at each of the Hubs.

Find the right LRC for your programme

The library collections at each of our LRCs are dedicated to different subjects. If you’re studying science, technology, health and medicine or creative arts, then you will want to head to College Lane. For all things law, business, management, education and humanities then de Havilland is for you. Some subjects are spread across both LRCs, so always check the online library for the location of the resource you need and remember you can also make use of our online resources such as e-books and e-journals.

PCs and laptop loans

PCs, Macs and laptops are available to use in the LRCs. You can even check availability of the desktop PCs and Macs in the Herts Mobile app. If you prefer to work on a laptop, you can loan one free of charge for 4 hours from the Laptop Loan lockers located at the entrance to each of the LRCs. Just remember you can’t take the laptop away with you and you must return them before your 4 hours are up to avoid being charged for your use.

Choose the right space for you

Whether you are researching for an assignment, popping in between lectures or preparing a group presentation, the LRCs have a space for you.  If it’s quiet study you’re after then College Lane now has a quiet top floor and both LRCs have silent study rooms.  For group work, our open study areas are best with large tables and booths and you can also book a Group Study Room.

Print, copy, scan

You can print, copy and scan your work from any device using our all-in-one machines available on all floors in both LRCs.  This year all new and returning students will receive a £5 credit in their print and copy account once they’ve registered and information on how to check and credit your print account is available on Ask Herts.

Take a well-earned break

The LRC cafés are a great place to grab a drink or enjoy a bite to eat. Vending machines also provide snacks and microwaves are available if you are bringing your own food.

Help is at hand

Welcome Desks are open between 10:00 – 16:00 on weekdays and staff are happy to help with any questions. You can also use the Information Points on each floor to get online and phone assistance 24/7 and, if you have any concerns about behaviour, safety or lost property, please don’t hesitate to speak to Security staff at the entrances. 

Find out more

There is lots more that the RLCs can offer your during your studies. So head over to  AskHerts to find out more.

Sian Mckinstry

Communications Officer, Library and Computer Services
