Study Success Hubs - Get help from experts

Assignments looming and looking for some study skills support?

The new Study Success Hubs on the ground floor of the LRCs provide a dedicated space to brush up on lots of valuable skills to help you succeed in your studies. From English and Maths support to how to correctly reference your assignments, a friendly team of experts are on hand to help. Sessions are drop-in and all students are welcome - no question is ever too small!

What's on offer?

Academic English support - get expert advice on all areas of assignment writing including paragraph structure, grammar, style, text evaluation and lots more.

Maths support – need help with a particularly tricky maths problem?  Experts from the School of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics are on hand offering specialist support on a range of mathematical topics.

Library Link up – help provided on using library resources to support your studies.  Sessions running in November include referencing, finding books and journals for your coursework and Westlaw certification. For dates and to book your place, visit the booking page.  

SU Study Smart – get help managing your workload and revision techniques with 1-1 sessions with the SU Academic and Welfare advisors. Book a session via the SU Advice & Support team.

Careers and employment – find out more about Careers and Employment services, events and online resources available to you during your studies here at Herts.

Visit Ask Herts to find out more or check out the session timetables on display at each of the Hubs.

Here’s how some of you are already benefiting from the hubs

Careers stand

'Having the promo stands in the LRCs is a great way to integrate the Careers service into the daily lives of students, increasing awareness; allowing students to reach out for support and guidance with regards to the plethora of services available to them throughout their studies and beyond!' 
Rebekah Lewis BSc (Hons) Final Year Nutrition student and careers link

'The career stands across the LRCs and schools are very influential in bridging the gap between students and the careers service. Through speaking to students at the stands I’ve learned that a lot of the time students wish to seek career advice or would like to know about upcoming career events that they may benefit from attending, but due to their busy schedules, they unfortunately don’t get the chance to pursue these opportunities. The fact that the stands are staffed by students allows everyone to feel more relaxed and open when bringing up subject matter they are not familiar with. The stands feel very valuable for students that want to start looking into part-time and full-time career possibilities.' 
Jamal Braimah Bsc (Hons) Psychology student and careers link

Academic English

“Helped me to understand what academic writing means and how to plan my work.”
“Very useful sessions delivered by excellent tutors.”

“It was awesome. The notes I took helped me a lot. The teachers were also very friendly and it was generally a worthwhile experience.”

“Very effective and useful for me.”

You can find out more about the Study Success Hubs on Ask Herts.
