Keeping Safe at University

We want you to enjoy your time at university, but with so much going on it’s easy to forget a few of the simple things that help you to keep safe.  Even though Hatfield was voted the second safest University town in the East of England and it’s very rare that we have any issues, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have your wits about you! Here are a few suggestions to help keep safe.

Keep your mobile phone fully charged

Sounds obvious but how many times have you been out and suddenly realised that your battery has hit 0%? Get into the habit of popping your phone on charge when you know you’re going out. You could also get yourself a power bank to carry around with you just in case. If something does happen then you will then be able to contact someone.

Only use licensed taxis

There are a number of licensed taxi companies local to the Uni. We’ve popped their numbers below so you can save them in your phone.
Hilltop Taxis: 01707 266666
White Lion Taxis: 01707 266646
Simon Cabs: 01707 251500
AAA Taxis: 01707 888777

If you plan to use a taxi not listed above, just make sure you check they are fully licensed before calling and booking them for your journey. Again make sure you have your phone on you in case of an emergency.

Lock windows and doors

Another obvious one, but also really important. No doubt you will have some valuable and sentimental belongings in your student accommodation, so don’t give anyone the opportunity to take them from you. A window left slightly open or a door unlocked is an open invitation for burglars. Make sure you lock up when you leave your accommodation.

Save the University Security numbers in your phone

The Uni has emergency and non-emergency security lines that you can call. Their numbers are below so pop them in your phone. Better to have them to hand just in case rather than not at all!
UH Security non-emergency +44 (0) 1707 281010 
UH Security emergency +44 (0)1707 285555

Safety in numbers

Try to avoid going out on your own, especially to areas that you are unfamiliar with and at night. When you are out make sure you stick together. Staying with a group of friends means you are far less vulnerable than when on your own.

Tell us if something doesn’t seem right

We have a number of options to tell us about something that is concerning you. It could be anything from a fellow student not seeming their self, through to seeing something suspicion on campus. The best way to let us know is by calling security directly on the numbers above so that they can deal with things immediately and more effectively. We also have our Report and Support online forms where you can choose to report something anonymously, or you can leave your details meaning we can come back to you if we need more information. Check out the Report and Support pages on the Uni website for more info.

Hear more from your Community Police Officers

We are lucky to have a dedicated team of police officers looking after the campuses. They are a super friendly bunch and you may have already seen them out and about on de Havilland and College Lane. In their short video, they share even more tips on keeping safe. Check it out below.

Above all, be sensible and use your common sense and you won’t have anything to worry about!
