Have you tried UniBuddy?

UniBuddy is a great platform for you to find helpful information and tips about student life at Herts. You can read the blogs and even chat to real students who will help you with your queries!

Whether you need help with budgeting your money, want to know about Engineering projects or are just interested in a student’s day to day life at Herts, you can read it all on UniBuddy.

Here’s what some of our bloggers have written!

"As I'm now in my third and final year, university this year has been a little bit different compared to my last two years. I'll be going through my week at a glance and give more information as to how my course is split up and how I'm managing my time, keeping organised but also having some relaxing time too!" 
          - Bijal: My week at a glance - 3rd year Nutrition student.

"My last advice on moving in day (especially in first year) is to hang out in the kitchen and say hi to anyone that comes in and break that ice as soon as you can. If you are in early why not offer to help others move in too!" 
          - Eleanor: Accommodation – Moving in Day on College Lane Campus.

"Being a student of the School of Humanities having a lot to read is one thing that often deters people but don’t let it. If you manage your time wisely it will seem as though you have little to no work. Here’s what I do to make sure I don’t get overloaded with work over the week." 
          - Mercedes: Tips to help you handle your University workload.

If you have any questions about a course or student life, our student course ambassadors are here to help! Check out their bios and pick a course ambassador you'd like to chat to directly. You can find students from all different subject areas and levels as well as UK, EU and International ambassadors! Our ambassadors are happy to help, and if you need further information than they can give, they will help put you in contact with the right people!

Check out UniBuddy here; https://www.herts.ac.uk/life/unibuddy
