Who better to love than yourself?

Well I’m here to remind you that Valentine’s Day is actually the perfect time to love yourself too!
Sometimes we can get too carried away in caring about others and celebrating other people’s greatest attributes and achievements – but what about our own?
We are all different and amazing in our own way, and we should celebrate it! Make sure you take some time this Valentine’s Day to love yourself.
Remember, the only validation and love you need is your own.

Get yourself some flowers and chocolate, because you are amazing, and you don’t need someone else to tell you!
To make sure you’re spending Valentine’s Day the right way, here are a few tips to help you love yourself this February:

1. Make a list of 5 things you love about yourself every day
It may sound cringey but writing down the things you love and appreciate about yourself will really help you to be the best and most confident you!
Try this out during February and you’ll see how much of a change it makes. Celebrate you and all the wonderful aspects of your personality.
2. When you get ready in the morning tell yourself in the mirror at least one thing that you are loving about yourself!
Again, this can seem a bit much but it’s important that you compliment yourself!
Whether you are loving your outfit, your hairstyle, your determination or your positive vibes, or even if you’re just proud you managed to get out of bed in the morning, let yourself know!
Be you and celebrate it every day, because if you feel good you can accomplish so much more!
3. Treat yourself!
I know I have said this quite a few times, but I mean it! Treat yourself! If you’re a shopaholic like me this will be easy, but if not make sure you give yourself a gift this Valentines.
Commend yourself for all the work you’ve put in and all your success so far, celebrate your kindness, your willpower, your ability to go out till 3:00 and still get your work done…!
You deserve something for just being you.
So, whether it’s just a cup of coffee or something a bit more expensive – get yourself a little something!
4. Ask yourself ‘How am I?’

If you aren’t feeling yourself or you are worried about anything, there is always support nearby. Remember, you are not alone!
The staff at Wellbeing services are there to support you with any issues you face while at university, so don’t hesitate to contact them about any troubles you are having.
They are located on College Lane Campus and open Monday to Friday.
Click here for more information and opening times.
You can also contact charities such as The Samaritans, Mind or Students Against Depression, if you feel that you need to talk to someone.

5. Have fun!
Feeling good in yourself and having fun should be an everyday occurrence. Make sure you take time out of your studies to enjoy yourself! Why not organise an evening of cocktails this February? Or plan a game of footy? Or you could just stay in and have a relaxing evening! Whatever activity you enjoy doing, make it happen!
6. Don’t compare yourself to others!
It can be easy nowadays to see people’s lives on Instagram or Facebook and wish you were in someone else’s shoes, but remember social media is just a glimpse of someone’s real life. It’s not always as it seems.
Too often I see social media posts, feeling sorry for those who are ‘alone’ on Valentine’s Day. Well I’m here to tell you, being single is something to celebrate too! You are not alone; you have friends and family, and support! Don’t let this one day make you think any different!
Put on your comfy joggers and your favourite film and celebrate Valentine’s Day the right way!
Appreciate what you have! Everyone is different so don’t compare yourself to anyone else.

7. Your body is a temple.
Giving your body what it needs is another important step to loving yourself. Doing regular exercise, eating the right foods and getting enough sleep will help you to boost your self-worth. Try to treat your ‘body as a temple’ and give it the things that it needs. You’ll find you are much happier, which will make it much easier to feel good about yourself and love who you are.
8. Don’t take life too seriously!
The last tip for you is don’t take life too seriously! This can be a tricky one while at university because there is so much work to do and other things going on. Just remember, your happiness and how you feel is important and should always be a priority! Have regular breaks from your work and remember to enjoy yourself!
Let yourself know how great you are this Valentine’s, because the most important person to love is YOU!
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