Why you should consider being a student rep

On Monday 17 February, Hertfordshire Students’ Union will be opening applications for students to become a representative of the 24,282 students that study here at Herts.

In this blog, Saj, your current Vice President Activities, shares his experience of being a rep so far and explains why you should consider be a rep as well.

What made you want to stand in the elections and become a representative for the Student’s Union?
I’ve always been impressed by the scales of activities the Students’ Union deliver at Herts and knew it was something I wanted to get involved with. So when I learnt that I could be a rep for activities and get direct input into what was happening on campus, I knew I had to put myself forward and run in the elections. I wanted to bring more to the table and represent the further views and concepts of our student demographic as well as enhancing their experience.

What have you gained from the experience so far?
I’ve learnt loads. In fact, I’ve learnt a lot more than I ever expected to. I now understand so much more about my own strengths and weaknesses, in particular how I can use my strengths to reduce my weaknesses. I’ve also learnt a lot about being in the professional world including how to carry out staff appraisal, how to pitch ideas in meetings as well as the day to day management of projects; it’s all made me excited to star my career!

Is there anything from your academic studies that has helped you in your role as a student rep?
At first I didn’t think there would be many skills that I’d utilise but I quickly discovered that wasn’t the case! My academic studies helped me a lot in this role. I studied Engineering so my knowledge was put to good use when we were discussing different projects in meetings. Also, never underestimate how your ability to time manage assignments, revision, exams and lectures will help you in life. Without this, I would have struggled to plan my daily work around all of the meetings and events that I’m involved with.

If you had to give one reason why others should stand in elections, what would it be and why?
Running in the elections is one of the best opportunities to invest in yourself while at Uni. Not only will you grow as an individual, you also get to be a director of a charity, attend some big meetings that you would never have imaged you could be part of and you can make a real difference to the experience of the students at Herts. It will also help to bring the best out of you.

What tips and advice can you share with those who are standing this year?
Get out and talk to all the students you can. Get to know them and learn what problems that may be facing during their studies that the Uni can fix. Also try to mingle with different student groups so you can understand more about the wider student body. This will really help you shape your manifesto and ensure that you are being a true representative of all Herts students.

For more information about elections, head over to the Students' Union website.
