International Women's Day: Meet Greta

Greta is currently in her second year of study for her BSc (Hons) in Psychology with our School of Life and Medical Sciences.

How did you come to study at the University of Hertfordshire?

I initially planned to study at a university that was away from London, but not too far, as I have a large family that I need to visit often. So, Hertfordshire seemed like the perfect choice. I don't remember exactly how I came across University of Hertfordshire but after coming to one of the open days, I fell in love.
The university's energy caught my attention straight away; it was huge, brand new, and had everything nearby. I also enjoyed the fact that it was (and still is) very diverse, as I have come from a multicultural background so experiencing the same in a new environment made me feel welcome.

What made you want to take part in the Sprint Development programme and what have you gained from it?

Firstly, many of my friends who have taken part advised and encouraged me to get involved because of the impact it had had on them.
Secondly, every opportunity that I get in being able to take part in extra-curricular activities, I do, especially when self-development is involved! Therefore, the Sprint programme seemed like the perfect fit for me. Especially as it came at a time where I was feeling very low and needed that extra boost to get me started on my personal goals.

After taking part in it, I can truly say that my life has changed a lot, in a positive way for sure! I have gained long-life friends, made connections with influential women and developed many skills. I guess the main skill that has shone through after this programme was my confidence. I definitely believe in myself more than I ever used to. Seeing and hearing so many other women go through the same struggles as you do every day, really makes you realise that you are not alone and that anything is possible.

This programme is definitely something every woman should have a choice to be a part of.
