International Women's Day: Meet Amna

Amna is a student with our Hertfordshire Business School and is studying for a BA (Hons) in Business Studies.  

How did you come to study at the University of Hertfordshire?

The university has a good reputation for its business school, ranking wise. To be honest after coming here, I like the teaching staff. They are helpful and explain everything in detail and to the point. Secondly, I like the location as well, not like a crowded London!

What is your greatest achievement? This can be personal or directly related to your academic studies with us at Herts.

I would say my current role working as an outsource accounts assistant and getting a good work experience as placement student. I think it’s the biggest achievement, as it’s taken me closer towards my dream to be an accountant and having my own firm. Secondly, I have come over the fear of meeting new people and making new friends which absolutely made a huge positive impact on my life.

Has there been anyone who has been a significant support in this achievement? For example, you could not have achieved what you did without them. This can be a male or female.

Yeah of course, my brother who put a lot of trust in me, who is supporting me in every single way. He has helped me academically, financially…. I mean he is the one of the reasons I am here and have achieved a lot.

Are there any women in your life who have been a role model? If yes who and why? This could be a member of your family, a friend or colleague or someone in the public eye.

My mum. She always motivates me and says, “you can do it, don’t lose hope!”

What made you want to take part in the Sprint Development programme and what have you gained from it?

I am international student, so English is my second language. That’s why I hesitate and shy to make new friends. When I got email for this programme, I read the comments from previous students, and then I decided to turn up for sprint programme to overcome my fears and I really made a lot of good memories. Students and the tutor were amazing and so cooperative. From the programme I learnt that saying ‘no’ to things when you actually want to say ‘no’, is not that difficult. I came to know that I am much more than what I or people think of myself. If I sum up this programme, I would say I started out as a shy person, but by the end of programme I came out totally different; as a strong and self-confident women.
