International Women's Day: Meet Jane

Jane works in our Careers and Employment team. She is an Enterprise Team Leaders and also one of the University’s leaders of the Sprint women’s development programme. 

How did you come to work at the University of Hertfordshire?

I started part-time organising practice placements for nurses

What is your greatest achievement? This can be personal or related to your professional career.

My greatest achievement has been becoming a qualified counsellor. My two children are also an amazing achievement.

Has there been anyone who has been a significant support in this achievement? For example, you could not have achieved what you did without them. This can be a male or female

No one person, but I have always had incredibly supportive friends and family around me. They have always been very encouraging.

Are there any women in your life who have been a role model? If yes who and why? This could be a member of your family, a friend or colleague or someone in the public eye.

My Mum is my role model.  She is a single parent, who worked full time and always put me first every time. I am very grateful for everything she has done.

Tell us more about the sprint development programme and why it is such a powerful scheme for our students.

Sprint is great because it enables participants to focus on themselves for four whole days.  They not only get the chance to look at topics such as power, assertiveness, values and resilience, but it also gives them a large support network for life.
