What's on this March!
There’s loads going on this month! Take a look…
Commuter’s connect events, 02 - 04 March 2020:
- Commuters connect Pool and Pizza, Tuesday 03 March 2020, 16:00-18:30, de Havilland Common room
- Commuters Feedback – College lane, Wednesday 04 March 2020, 8:30-10:00, College lane bus stops.
- Commuters Feedback – de Havilland, Thursday 05 March 2020, 8:30-10:00, de Havilland bus stops.
- Friday Morning coffee, Friday 06 March 2020, 8:30-10:30, SU College Lane
MA Art Therapy Information evening, Tuesday 03 March 2020, 18:00-19:30, 1A113 on the Top floor of the Lindop Building:
Don’t miss out on the MA Art Therapy Information Evening!You can meet the Art Therapy academics, learn more about the course and get involved with Q&A sessions. We will meet in the foyer of the Lindop Building on College Lane campus.
Find out more information on StudyNet.
Speed Dating, 04 March 2020, 19:00-00:00, Maclean court common room:
It's time to bring back the flowers and the chocolates with our very own SPEED DATING EVENT!Come, socialise and meet your match. There'll be loads of fun games and activities that will surely spark some romance in the air so make sure to bring your A-game.
Remember, first impressions count so make the most out of it!
Get your ticket here!
World Book Day Treasure Hunt and Share a book you love, Thursday 05 March 2020, LRC (both campus’)

- A book treasure hunt – “Finders Keepers – Happy reading.” New books kindly donated by the School of Humanities from the Comedy Women in Print Prize. Good luck and happy reading!
- Share a book you love for a chance to win a £50 Amazon Voucher! Win a £50 Amazon voucher, participating students will be entered into a prize draw .Your suggestion may be on the next Connect, UH Common Reading programme!
Add your suggestion to the book suggestion tree in both LRCs or via Instagram/Twitter
University Mental Health Day – 05 March 2020, All day event

On 05 March it’s University Mental health day and there is lots going on to raise awareness of mental health problems that students might face.
Keep an eye out for events taking place on both campus’ and join us in making mental health a university wide priority!
To find out more about University Mental Health Day, visit the website here.
Bath and Swindon Outlet Trip, 08 March 2020, 6:30-20:00 (All day event), Forum on College Lane and Main Entrance on de Havilland:

On 08 March there will a trip to Bath and Swindon outlet. It only costs £41 a ticket which includes return transport to and from Bath, a 2-hour guided walking tour of the City, entry to the Roman baths and free time to explore Bath and Swindon Designer Outlet on the route back to Hatfield.
The coach will depart at 6:30 from the Forum on College Lane and then head to de Havilland Campus Main entrance, where it will depart at 6:40.
To find out more information and get your tickets click here.
SU Elections, Candidate Question Time, Monday 09 March 2020, 18:00-20:00, de Havilland Campus, N003:
Candidate Question Time is the perfect chance for students to get to know the elections candidates. You can hear all about their campaign promises and how they will make changes to issues affecting students. They are looking to earn students votes as this is their chance for them to differentiate themselves and show their passion for the job, so come on down and hear what they have to say, and you will get the chance to ask the candidates questions in order to help you make your decision to cast your votes.Find out more here.
Humans make plastic, 10 March 2020, 14:00-16:00, Art and Design Gallery on College Lane Campus:
Join exhibiting artist Camilla Brendon to create something special from used plastic. This event is FREE, but booking is required.Participants are asked to bring something made of plastic that they often throw away at home or at work.
In groups, workshop attendees present their pieces of plastic then go onto make a group sculpture or mobile out of their plastic and other plastic supplied by the artist.
The workshop is designed as a platform to open up dialogue around our use of plastic and throwaway culture.
Book your place here.
Train to Teach show, 10 March 2020, 16:30 – 19:30, Chapman Lounge on College Lane Campus:
Our FREE Train to Teach event will provide you with information on how to get into teaching and apply for training in your region.Don’t miss your opportunity to find out more!
For more information visit getintoteaching.education.gov.uk/

Facemask and Lip Balm Making, 11 March 2020, 13:00-15:00, De Havilland Common Room:
Everyone needs to spend time pampering themselves. Why not come and join us this week for the chance to make your own pamper treats! This event is FREE so come along, relax and unwind!For more information click here.
BAME 2020 Careers event, 17 March 2020, 11:30-18:00, The Western Auditorium on de Havilland Campus:
The BAME Careers Event was first launched last year by our UH BAME Advocates. The event offers our diverse student community a unique opportunity to learn, share and network. The goal is to further ambition whilst recognising the unique challenges faced students from these backgrounds.The theme of this year's BAME Careers Event is 'Creating Roads to Success'. We want all our diverse student community to know that there are many roads to success in the corporate and entrepreneurial world.
Find out more about the event here.
Finding International Work Experience and Opportunities, 18 March 2020, 13:15-14:00, Main Building (N Block), de Havilland:
For more details please visit the careers page.
Akala is coming to Herts! 19 March 2020, 17:00-19:00:
Akala is a BAFTA and MOBO award-winning hip-hop artist, writer and social entrepreneur, as well as the co-founder of The Hip-Hop Shakespeare Company. Het has appeared at numerous festivals and on Channel 4, ITV, MTV, Sky Arts and the BBC. NATIVES his recently published memoir is already a Sunday Times best-seller. Akala will be giving a 40-minute talk, which will be followed by a 20-minute Q&A and a book signing. Get your tickets here!De Havilland Philharmonic Orchestra: Elgar and Tchaikovsky, 22 March 2020, 15:30-17:30, Weston Auditorium on de Havilland Campus:
The de Havilland Philharmonic Orchestra presents a Sunday afternoon of favourite works by Elgar and Tchaikovsky.The concert will begin with Elgar’s Cockaigne Overture which gives a lively musical portrait of Edwardian London.
The concert also features Tchaikovsky’s 5th Symphony, a work that initially seen as a failure, but is now one of his most popular works.
Full Price tickets are £18, Concessions are £15, dHPO Friends & UHStaff are £12.75 and UHStudents can attend for FREE.
There will also be a FREE Pre-Concert Talk at 2:30pm.
Book your tickets here.
Plastic Art and Environmental Challenges, 25 March 2020, 14:00-15:00, UHArts Building:

We're teaming up with UH Arts and the Green Movement to put on a workshop to speak about the environmental challenges we face today and creating art made from plastic!
This will be the first week of this course of events, so keep an eye out for more to continue.
Find out more here.
Sports Awards, Thursday 26 March 2020, 18:45, The Forum on College Lane Campus:
The Annual HertSquad Sports Awards has become an important date in the Athletic Union diary, attracting more than 300 Athletic Union members. The evening provides an excellent opportunity to celebrate the commitment, hard work, dedication and sporting success of individuals and teams throughout the Athletic Union.Comprising of a two-course meal with presentation of the Awards and an after party, the Sports Awards is now a highlight in the social calendar for Athletic Union members.
Find out more and make your nominations here.
Passengers by Vacuum Theatre, Tuesday 31 March 2020, 19:30-20:45, Weston Auditorium on de Havilland Campus:
Admission: Full Price: £10, Concessions £8 and Students £5Duration: 75 minutes
Passengers, by award-winning UK trans writer Kit Redstone and highly acclaimed UK director Jessica Edwards, explores the epic battles within the psyche and the beautiful power of the mind to protect itself, using ensemble theatre to invite you to see the self in a whole new way.
All are welcome! You can book your tickets here.
UH Lunchtime Walk and Tidy Litter Picks, Tuesday 31 March, 12:30-13:30, Outside Law Court Building de Havilland:

Get some fresh air and exercise and help keep our community tidy! We will meet at the Law Court Building on de Havilland at 12.30 - equipment is provided and you can come along for as long as you are able. Join us to make a difference to the local community!
Plastic Matter, Until 18 April 2020, Art and Design Gallery, College Lane Campus:
This event will explore different aspects of plastic – as inspiration, material, resource and waste. Artists in Plastic Matter explore different aspects to plastic’s story; its potential to become something more treasured, its availability and its hasty disposal. Through their work, the artists imbue new worth and meaning to the material, and ask us to consider its role and future in contemporary society.This event is FREE and all are welcome!
Find out more here.
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