Celebrating VE day at home
VE day, also known as Victory in Europe Day, marks the day when the guns fell silent and World War Two (WW2) came to an end in Europe. It is celebrated on 8 May, and this year marks 75 years since the end of the war.

To acknowledge this milestone, the UK early May Bank Holiday was moved to Friday 8 May so the country could come together over a three-day weekend of commemorative events. Unfortunately, these event have now been cancelled due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, but that doesn’t mean celebrations have to stop. We have gathered a few ideas to help you take part in the day while at home and ensure this important milestone doesn’t pass by without celebration.

English heritage have created a VE Day at home pack which includes 1940s recipes to serve on the day, a celebration poster to display at your window plus a Spotify playlist and lyrics of popular 1940s songs. View the pack here.
If you enjoy being creative and crafting, the BBC website have templates and guides to help you make your own VE Day 75 ‘Great British Bunting’. Once complete, hang your creations in the window of your home for others to enjoy! Visit the BBC website for more.
The Royal Air Force Museum, the National Museum of the Royal Navy and the National Army Museum are coming together to host a virtual VE Day 75 Festival from Thursday 7 – Saturday 9 May. The three-day programme is fully accessible online and will include live talks, stories from the Fighting Front and 1940s swing dance classes.

To acknowledge this milestone, the UK early May Bank Holiday was moved to Friday 8 May so the country could come together over a three-day weekend of commemorative events. Unfortunately, these event have now been cancelled due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, but that doesn’t mean celebrations have to stop. We have gathered a few ideas to help you take part in the day while at home and ensure this important milestone doesn’t pass by without celebration.

Hold a stay at home street party
Families in the same households are being encouraged to decorate their homes in red, white and blue to take part in stay at home street parties.English heritage have created a VE Day at home pack which includes 1940s recipes to serve on the day, a celebration poster to display at your window plus a Spotify playlist and lyrics of popular 1940s songs. View the pack here.
If you enjoy being creative and crafting, the BBC website have templates and guides to help you make your own VE Day 75 ‘Great British Bunting’. Once complete, hang your creations in the window of your home for others to enjoy! Visit the BBC website for more.
Join the two-minute silence
At 11am on Friday 8 May, there will be a moment of Remembrance as we are all encourage to pause for a two-minute silence. There are many ways you can join in from stepping outside your home (while keeping a safe distance from others), taking a moment to reflect on your own or by watching the broadcast on BBC One.
Visit the virtual VE Day 75 Festival

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