Springwatch: Get involved

Spring is the season when nature bursts back into life in an explosion of sight, sound and colour. It is such an amazing time to get involved with nature and appreciate the wildlife around you. Here are a few ways you can get involved, help some wildlife and have some fun!

Let us know what’s happening to wildlife near you!

Whilst we are home, or on our daily outdoor exercise, let’s have a collective purpose and join one of the biggest environmental data collections in the UK! Whether your garden or neighbourhood is thriving with wildlife, or you have just seen your first butterfly of the spring, take part in Nature’s Calendar and help scientists to monitor the effects of climate change on wildlife.

The data you collect and report back on the state of nature will contribute to records dating back to 1736. Follow the steps below to get involved:

  1. Use this link to sign up - https://naturescalendar.woodlandtrust.org.uk/what-we-record-and-why/how-to-record-a-quick-guide/
  2. Only choose 1 or 2 things to record, something that might be part of your regular routine. (we will need you to record it twice a week)
  3. Check the list of flora and fauna that The Woodland Trust need record for here. 
  4. Add a record via https://naturescalendar.woodlandtrust.org.uk/add-a-record/
  5. Let the University’s Health, Safety and Sustainability Team know if you are taking part by emailing sustainable@herts.ac.uk or take a picture and send it to us @HertsGreenMovement with the hashtags #HertsSpringTime2020 #WildlifeFromMyWindow #30Days Wild
  6. Have fun and enjoy connecting with nature!

If you would like to find out more, send an email to sustainable@herts.ac.uk .

Start the June Challenge!

Throughout the month of June the wildlife trust is also hosting a #30DaysWild challenge. They have provided a challenge for you to complete everyday throughout June to help you appreciate the wildlife around you.

Some of the activities will help the planet, some will help to clear your mild and some will help the wildlife near you. Don’t forget to share your pictures with us! Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Visit https://action.wildlifetrusts.org/page/57739/petition/1 to sign up to the June Challenge and download your activity pack! (These will be sent to you via email)
  2. Find your activity passport in your activity pack and download it! This will give you your challenges for each day
  3. Take pictures as you go and share them with us on social media (Twitter: @uniofherts or Instagram: @universityofhertfordshire) and #30DaysWild!

It is clearer than ever, the effects that we have on our environment. Wildlife has thrived while we have been in lockdown, showing we need to appreciate and take care of our surroundings.

By taking part in these challenges you can bring some simple nature-based activities into your daily life and see the benefits, not only on the environment but on your mental and physical health too!

Use these activities to take your mind away from the stresses of daily life, relax and have fun with nature!
