Help us to find out more about Covid-19!

John Corkery, from the Psychopharmacology, Drug Misuse & Novel Psychoactive Substances Research Unit at Herts has been looking at the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the use of psychoactive substances and  could really use your help to find out more about this. You can aid this study by filling out the survey’s below.

These survey’s are part of a wider project looking at the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use of psychoactive substances. It forms part of the wider research activities of the Psychopharmacology, Drug Misuse and Novel Psychoactive Substances Research Unit of the University of Hertfordshire.

Ethics approval has been given by the Health Science Engineering & Technology Ethics Committee with Delegated Authority, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK, under the title: "PHAEC/1042; Recreational Drugs’ European Network: an ICT prevention service addressing the use of novel compounds in vulnerable individuals", protocol number aLMS/SF/UH/02951(2), dated 4 February 2019.


"Hitting the bottle?" Alcohol use in the COVID-19 era
Help us understand what is going on by taking part in this survey.
Please feel free to share the link on social media!

Tobacco and Nicotine

"Where's my baccy?" Effects of COVID-19 on smoking and vaping
Help us understand what is going on by taking part in this survey.
Please feel free to share the link on social media!

Psychoactive drugs

"Where are my drugs?" Psychoactive substance use in the COVID-19 era
Help us understand what is going on by taking part in this survey.
Please feel free to share the link on social media!

Volatile substances/inhalants/solvents or gases

‘Huffed off’ with COVID? - Effects of COVID-19 on use of volatile substances/inhalants and gases
Help us understand what is going on by taking part in this survey.
Please feel free to share the link on social media!


COVID "khatastrophe"? - Effects of COVID-19 on khat cultivation, supply and use
Do you grow, trade or use khat? How has COVID-19 affected you?
Help us understand what is going on by taking part in this survey.
Please feel free to share the link on social media!
Also available in French and Arabic!
