Students helping students: Our ambassadors on A Level results day

We all know how busy A Level Results Day/Clearing can be, so the more volunteers the better! This year we were fortunate enough to have our Student ambassadors join us for Clearing 2020, helping prospective students with their applications and plans for the future.

There were 62 ambassadors altogether taking part in a number of roles, mostly networking and complex triage roles on campus. It was really lovely to see our students taking part in such an important day, helping other students who are going through such an overwhelming experience. With some ambassadors having gone through Clearing themselves, our ambassadors did a great job at sympathising with students who were calling in, answering questions about applying to University, and also offering advice about their own course and University experience.

We want to say a huge thank you to our student ambassadors for all their help during Clearing 2020 and for the roles they continue to play over the next few weeks. Read below to find out a bit more about some of the ambassadors helping out this year.

Meet our student ambassadors

Saira Dar

In 2016, Saira went through clearing to Philosophy with religious studies but transferred the year after to Criminal justice and criminology.

Saira says she found the Clearing process to be smooth and quick and still remembers her experience very well. She says Jon, who she spoke to during clearing, introduced the course very well and gave a detailed overview of what the course would entail, which she found really helpful.

This year Saira helped out with Clearing 2020 as a Networker. She says being back on campus was a bit strange as it was very quiet, but she enjoyed taking part in the day.

Saira will be starting her masters in criminology next year, and she can't wait to start!

Jon Keevash

Jon is currently studying Mathematics and is about to start his third year with us at Herts.

Jon came into the university through clearing and says he found it a very simple and easy process.

This year Jon also helped out with Clearing 2020 as a Networker. He says that it felt quiet on campus but that it was quite nice to be back and he enjoyed helping out.

Jon is looking forward to graduating this year so he can start his Master’s in teaching.
