Keeping you safe on campus

If you are a regular visitor to our LRCs, then you will hopefully be familiar with our on-campus Security team. But did you know they do a lot more than look after access to our libraries? Read on to find out more about them, what support they can offer you and also how they work with our local Police team to ensure we keep you all safe. 

24/7 security 

No matter what time of day, or night, our Campus Security team are always looking out for you by making sure the campuses are safe and secure. 

They work around the clock, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year! Our control room is the hub for all of our security operations and is never left unoccupied. It is home to our CCTV surveillance, general security number and our emergency line. 

The guards conduct regular patrols of the campus, day and night, just to make sure everything is all ok. You might see them on foot or even in their first response vehicle. Wherever you see them, always feel free to say hi!  


In the control room the team have access to each and every CCTV camera covering accommodation, our car parks, entrances to each campus and more. This means a huge area of our campuses are under constant surveillance and allows us to detect anything of concern quickly. 

Some of our patrol guards are equipped with body-worn cameras. These act as an extension to our CCTV coverage and support both you and our guards should they need to deal with any security matters. 

Partnering with our local Police 

Our partnership with the local Police means we have a University Police Team which consists of a Police Officer who is also supported by two Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs). We also collaborate through an information sharing partnership that allows us to support any investigations they need to make. 

Our onsite Police team are also very approachable and are here to help.  They can also advise you on crime prevention concerns that you may have. 

Many of our University Security Officers also have Police Accreditations enabling them to provide an enhanced security service and experience to support for you and your fellow students. 

Supporting you 

Away from the general day-to-day security management, our Security team and Police Officers can offer you lots of support and guidance. They are trained in First Aid, Emergency Response, Fire Prevention, Lift Entrapments, Crime Prevention and mental health support, enhancing their ability to handle a wide variety of situations. 

They can also offer lots of personal safety advice from how to keep your belongings secure, tips for travelling safely on public transport and things to be aware of when you are out and about. So always feel free to ask our guards and the police team any questions when you see them! 

The guards also work closely with your Dean of Students Team, including your Residents Assistants (RAs). They meet regularly to discuss activity on campus, to share observations and ensure that we keep everything as safe and as secure as we can. They also help with the University’s Report and Support Service which you can read more about here. 

How to contact security 

We have two main points of contact for your Security team. The main security control line plus the Emergency line. We also have a Confidential Crime Line where you can report anonymously any security concerns:  Just ring and leave a message: 

  • Security control: +44 (0) 1707 281010 (internal extension 1010)  
  • Emergency Line: +44 (0) 1707 285555 (internal extension 5555)  
  • Confidential crime Line: +44 (0) 1707 286333 (internal extension 3333) 

We encourage you to save these in your mobile phones so they are to hand should you need them. 
