Top tips to start the New Year with a bang


We did it! 2020 is finally over. It’s been…well it's been tough. It’s been a year like no other, and I’m sure most of us are quite glad to put it behind us. Although the new year remains just as uncertain, things are looking much more positive as we move into 2021. We’ve put together a list of tips to help you start your new year as positively and proactively as possible! 


Set goals 


Let’s be honest, none of us were really able to do all the things we wanted in 2020. We all went into 2020 with so many goals and plans for the new decade, but they all sort of got put on hold. Well, it’s time to put 2020 behind us and focus on the year ahead. What did you want to achieve last year that you still haven’t done? Or maybe you have completely different goals this time around. Whatever it is, make 2021 the best year possible by setting yourself some personal goals. They don’t have to be big, sometimes it’s the smaller ones that make the biggest difference. But set yourself targets and make time for all those things that fell by the wayside in 2020. 


Do things that make you happy 


If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that life is too short to be doing things that aren’t making you happy. Whether that is in your career or your personal life – 2021 is the year to follow your bliss and prioritise the things that make you feel good! Whatever that is for you, make sure you find time to prioritise the things that make you laugh, make you smile and make you feel good. 


Get out as much as possible 


None of us have got out much this year, and although it was ok at first, we’re over staying in. Although it might be a while before we can go on holidays or take long weekend city breaks – its important you get out as much as possible in 2021 to make up for lost time. Whether that means going for walks, meeting friends and family, going for picnics or going for a scenic drive, make the effort to get outside to get out of your house and out of your own head.  


Do things that scare you 


After a year like 2020, we’ve all been stuck indoors from the safety of our homes for too long. We need to get out of our comfort zones again, ditch the sweatpants and do things that scare us (in a COVID-secure way of course). Is there something you’ve wanted to do but having been putting it off for too long? Maybe at work, or in your career? Whatever has been holding you back, 2021 is the perfect time to face our fears and take on new challenges.  


Focus on the important stuff 


Maybe the only silver lining to take from 2020 is that it’s made us all appreciate the people in our lives and be grateful for what we have. It’s made us appreciate what is truly important and let go of so many of the trivial things we get hung up on. Let’s not lose this new-found perspective in 2021. Try as much as possible to see friends and family more, to make the time to check in and catch up, even if it’s just a phone call in the evening you would usually put off. It’s been such a difficult year not being able to see each other as much as usual and we don’t know for certain when things will return to normal. So, take each day as it comes and make each day count. 


Make new memories  


2021 should be all about making new memories. It was pretty difficult to do anything memorable in 2020, although I’m sure none of us are likely to forget it anytime soon. But it’s a new year now and it’s time to make new memories – positive ones! Spend quality time with your friends and family whenever possible, whether that is in-person or online. Thanks to 2020, we’re all experts now in staying connected remotely, so we can keep our loved ones close wherever we go. Whatever 2021 has in store for you, greet it with open arms – be fearless. There has never been a better time to take on new opportunities, rise to new challenges and unlock your full potential.  
