Mental Health Week: Your wellbeing checklist

Keeping on top of your mental and physical wellbeing is so important, especially after the year we’ve all had. We have all been through a lot this year and there is no doubt that for many of us our mental health may have been impacted in some way. So, we want to encourage you this week to look after yourself. To help you to keep your wellbeing in check, we have put together a checklist with some useful tips to keep you healthy! 

1. Get a good night’s sleep 

Getting enough sleep is extremely important for both our mental and physical health, as it gives our bodies and minds time to repair, so that we are fully energised for the next day! Having a lack of sleep has been linked to lots of mental health issues such as, anxiety and depression. So it is really important that you get some rest! If you are struggling to sleep, have a look at our ‘Top tips for a good night’s sleep.’  




2. Do some exercise 

Exercise is so important for our health. It not only keeps us fit and physically healthy, but it gives us time to destress and re-energise which is super important for our mental health. Whether it’s going for a short walk, run or doing a home workout, make sure you find time during your day to keep active as it will really help to lift your mood.  Active students also has a lot to offer, click here to check out their activity timetable    

3. Get some fresh air 

Make sure you get out for some fresh air at least once a day, as this is vital to keeping us feeling fresh and motivated. You may be spending a lot of time inside studying or getting involved in virtual events, but don’t forget to get out too! Going for a short walk or run will really help you to clear your mind. If you are self-isolating, make sure you still get some fresh air by opening your windows! 



4. Acknowledge how you feel and write it down 

Acknowledging how you feel is really important as it will allow you to deal with the issues you are facing and seek the support you need. Sometimes facing your problems head on can really help you to deal with them. Writing down how you feel in a diary or a journal can really help too, as it can allow you to understand your feelings more clearly and why you may feel a certain way.   


5. Connect with a friend 

Our mental health can be dramatically impacted when we feel lonely or isolated and throughout the last year, these are feelings that a lot of us may have experienced. Connecting with a friend, relative or fellow student can really help to alleviate these feelings of loneliness and improve our mood. If you are feeling down, it can also help to talk to someone, who can provide advice and support.  




6. Quiet time  

Make sure you find some time during your day for some quiet time, as this will really help to calm your anxieties and take a step back from what is going on throughout your day. You could take part in some mindfulness, meditation or yoga. Whatever you decide, make sure you find some time for yourself, to give your mind a break from your daily worries. You can find some good relaxation exercises on the Mind website. 


7. Do something you enjoy doing 

It’s also very important to find time in our day to do the things we enjoy. It can sometimes be difficult to do this when we are busy studying or working but it is very important. Finding time to do the things we enjoy, actually makes us more productive throughout the day as we have something to look forward to! It will also help us to have a break from the things that we don’t enjoy doing so much, which will make us feel more motivated.  



8. Practice gratitude 

Practicing gratitude can be really helpful in lifting our overall mood. It has been scientifically proven that gratitude helps us to think and feel more positively and in turn, helps to reduce stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. It also enhances self-esteem which can make you feel happier. Click here for Gratitude meditation by Headspace.  


9. Healthy diet  

Having a healthy diet actually has a huge impact on the way we feel. A balanced diet will give us all the nutrients we need and in turn help us to feel happier and healthier. For example, vitamin D is an essential nutrient that our body needs to function, and a lack of it can cause us to feel tired, lack motivation and for some can lead to depression. So, it is hugely important that we eat a balanced diet to get all the vitamins and nutrients that our body needs. You can find out more information about Vitamin D on the NHS website. 



10. Get support if you need it   

Lastly, it is incredibly important that if you are struggling that you reach out. There is lots of support available to you both inside and outside the University, so if you are finding yourself in challenging times, please make sure you get the support you need. There is no problem too small.  

If you are in need of support please contact the Dean of Students at or Student Wellbeing at Our teams are always there to support you.


The SU Advice & Support team also offers free, confidential and impartial support for students, and are always on hand to talk! You can find more information about the team and how to contact them on the SU website. 

