Go Herts Award - Chloe's story

Read how Chloe’s proactive approach to raising awareness of LGBT+ and her involvement in our Black History Month campaign gained her the Go Herts Award and allowed her to develop her communications and digital marketing skills and enabled her to grow her confidence…

What did you study?
BA(Hons) Politics and International Relations.

When did you graduate?

How did you make the most of your time at uni?
I made the most of my time at University by meeting new people, taking every opportunity that became available to me and was active within the Herts community. It was important to me to treasure the student experience.

Tell us about the activities you did whilst you were a student.
Whilst I was a student, I actively got involved with the Students’ Union by working as student staff. I was the Welcome Desk Assistant, conversing and supporting students, staff and the public. This role also enabled me to help run events and campaigns including the Christmas Market and the annual elections for the next Elected Officers.

Additionally, I was the President of LGBT+ Society from 2019 to 2021. I launched the first Herts’ Pride and helped lead the calendar of events for LGBT+ History Month 2021 in addition to Pride 2021. I represented the LGBT+ population at the University, regularly communicating with the Students’ Union, Equality Office and LGBT+ Staff Network.

These roles and activities counted towards the Go Herts Award.

What skills did you develop through these Go Herts Award eligible activities?
I developed many skills throughout my University experience, not just within my studies but also through the activities I was involved with. My communication skills have grown massively from that of verbal conversation to written text alongside my knowledge regarding social media marketing. Additionally, my confidence has skyrocketed, feeling comfortable with public speaking and presenting. Furthermore, my leadership skills have developed through leading a successful society committee for two years.

Are there any skills you developed whilst at university that are important in how you work now?
The skills I developed at University are still very important and key in my career to date. With the large growth in my communication skills and confidence, I find myself regularly using the skills I have learned to better my working responsibilities. Now in Marketing, I actively use the skills I developed from creating social media content for LGBT+ Society.

What was your favourite activity/Favourite experience whilst at Herts?
My favourite experience whilst at Herts was doing a speech at the first University of Hertfordshire Pride. Not only was it rewarding to finish such a milestone on a high, but it was fantastic to have self-pride in running a successful event and confidence in speaking to hundreds of people.

Advice to other students thinking about a Go Herts Award?
Go for it! There is so many opportunities at Herts, take them!

Feeling inspired by Chloe’s story? Read more about our Go Herts Award > 
