How to ace pancake day

Pancake Day is arguably the best day of the year. I mean, it’s a legit excuse to stuff your face with pancakes along with the rest of the country - #cheatday! The biggest question is: are you an American pancake eater or a crepe eater? And then, of course, what are you going to put on it?!  


For those of you who are unfamiliar with this peculiar celebration, here’s the rundown:  

Pancake Day, a.k.a Shrove Tuesday, is a Christian celebration that is always 47 days before Easter. It marks the start of a fasting period called Lent. The story goes that people would eat up all their food before Lent started so would only have cupboard essentials (like flour and sugar) stocked and thus was born pancake day! It is now a nationwide celebration with supermarkets stocking an abundance of premade shake mixes and lemon juice. It’s a perfect excuse to have a flat cook-off or just sit together and enjoy a fun meal.  


I love pancakes so here are my tips for you to ace it this year and impress your flatmates.  

Traditional pancakes (makes 6):  

A more typical crepe-style pancake, easy to stuff and roll. They cook quicker than the American version and are arguably easier to practice your flipping skills.  

You will need:  

  • 100g plain flour  
  • 2 large eggs  
  • 300g milk  
  • 1 tbsp oil, plus extra for frying  
  • Toppings  


  1. Start by preheating a non-stick pan. You want to bring the temperature to high and pour a splash of oil on to heat up.  
  2. Mix the ingredients together in a jug until you’ve created a smooth batter.  
  3. Carefully tip the excess oil into a mug, set aside and turn the heat to medium.  
  4. Pour the batter out to cover the pan and leave until the top is set about 1 minute  
  5. You can either flip the pancake the traditional way (be careful with the hot pan and be warned that you might make a mess!) or use a spatula to flip it over.  
  6. Cook for a further minute, until golden brown and transfer to a plate. Top with whatever you fancy and enjoy!  

American pancakes (makes 4): 

These are thicker fluffy pancakes popular in America and are often recognised in stacks, drenched in maple syrup.  

You will need:

  • 200g self-rising flour  
  • 1 ½ tsp baking powder  
  • 1 tbsp sugar  
  • 3 large eggs  
  • 25g melted butter  
  • 200ml milk  
  • Oil for cooking  
  1. Mix together dry ingredients and create a well in the middle. Add in the wet ingredients and whisk until smooth.  
  2. Heat a pan to medium heat with a knob of butter. Once reached temperature pour the mix on the pan in an 8cm wide circle. If cooking more than one in the same pan, make sure they don't touch.  
  3. Cook for 1-2 mins on each side, until golden brown and cooked through and serve.  

Topping suggestions:  


  • Lemon juice and sugar  
  • Strawberries and Nutella  
  • Banana and Nutella  
  • Lotus spread and squirty cream  


  • Cheese and ham  
  • Smoked salmon and cream cheese  
  • Le goat deluxe: 
    • Cheddar  
    • Goat cheese  
    • Spinach  
    • Walnut  
    • Onion
  • Margarita:
    • Cheese
    • Tomato
  • Eggs Benedict:
    • Ham
    • Egg
    • Cheddar
    • Hollandaise sauce
  • Maple bacon:
    • Streaky bacon
    • Maple syrup

