New Year, a new and healthier you.
The new year is a perfect time to set a goal, especially a health and fitness goal. Staying healthy is very important as being physically fit can help you become emotionally healthy too. If you’re eating the right foods, getting the right nutrition and keeping physically fit, your body will be stronger, and it will be easier for you to cope with stress and avoid illness.
Not only this, but staying healthy and being physically active have been proven to improve brain function! You heard it… Healthy life, healthy mind!
You’ll find if you’re giving your body the right foods and doing exercise, you’ll become more productive and less stressed.
So, to help you reach your goals this month, and reduce any tiredness and stress you might be feeling from your exams and assignments, we’ve come up with a few ways you can improve your health and fitness.
At Herts, we have lots of facilities that will help you meet your fitness goals. Whether you’re looking to get competitive or just want to stay healthy, we have lots of different clubs and societies for you to take-part in.Active students is a great way for you to stay healthy, but more importantly for you, to have fun whilst doing it! All activities are free, and you can turn up when you want. There is no sign up, no commitment and no cost. Just find a session that you would like to take part in and turn up with your Student ID card. Simple. Check out the timetable here!
Campus sport is for those of you who like your sport competitive. There are loads of different sports to choose from, and as well as competitive leagues, there are also regular one-off tournaments in a range of sports. Check them out here.
Follow @hertssquad on twitter to get all the latest updates for sport and active lifestyles.
The Athletic Union is also a great way to keep active. You can participate, compete and represent Herts in a wide variety of sports whilst studying at the University. Click here to see a list of the different clubs you can join.

There are loads of different activities for you to try, from salsa dancing to skating there is something for everyone.
Being part of a society is a great way to try something new, make friends for life, keep healthy and make your student experience a great one!
For more information, visit the Hertfordshire SU website here.

The Hertfordshire Sports Village gym is located on de Havilland Campus and is equipped with a range of resistance and cardio machines, along with a large free weights area and a multi-use functional training rig! There are also lots of fitness classes for you to get involved in. Perfect for your fitness goals!
Having a gym on campus is a great excuse to join for the new year and start working on that new, healthier you!
Visit the UH website for more information and class timetables.
If the clubs and societies are all a bit too much for you and you don’t want to join a gym, try to keep active when doing daily tasks instead. For example, take the stairs instead of the lift, walk places instead of driving, just be active whenever you can, and you will feel much better for it!
Okay, enough about exercise…Giving your body the right nutrients is also a very important part of staying healthy. The basics are:

- Cut down on all those biscuits and chocolates. I’m sure you indulged over Christmas so it’s probably time to ease up on the unhealthy snacks.
- Drink plenty of water! Give dry January a go and swap that alcohol for a glass of water! You should be aiming to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
- Eat breakfast! Make sure you eat breakfast in the morning to start your metabolism for the day and give yourself some energy for all that revision you’ve planned to do!
To learn more about a healthy diet, click here.
The last but still very important point is, make sure that you rest!Getting a good night’s sleep is very important for a healthy body but also a healthy mind. It can be hard when you have a lot of work to do to get a good amount of sleep, but it is vital. If you start getting more rest, you will find that you are more productive.
Yoga and meditation can also be a good way to relax and keep your mind healthy. Meditation helps you to stay positive and keep calm during stressful times.
So, there you have it, keeping healthy is easy... Just kidding! But it is definitely worth it, so use the new year as an excuse and become a healthier, more productive you!
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