How your feedback is making a difference

Since all teaching moved online in March, we have been making sure you all have access to the tools and resources you need to continue to succeed in your studies.

Many of you have shared feedback about your online learning experiences through our recent survey, your lecturers, programme leaders and your end of module questionnaires. All this feedback is valuable to the University, so thank you to all of you who have shared your thoughts with us.

Your comments have been a fundamental part of our work to deliver your studies online and we have already used many of them to make improvements to your online learning experience. Many of the comments have been overwhelming positive and also supportive of the changes we have made, thank you!

We are now looking to make further improvements for September, and again your comments will play a really important part of this planning.

Read on to find out what changes you have supported, the future improvements we will be making as well as comments about your own experiences.

What your feedback has helped to deliver so far: 

  • A safety net policy has been introduced to ensure previous performance is taken into account through the Semester B assessment period 
  • Since March 13 there have been 3,700 new online lectures recorded with over 155,000 views and downloads. That’s over 29,000 total hours viewed by students! 
  • Laboratories have been set up to enable remote access to specialist software for 50 modules  
  • 500,000 additional e-books have been made available  
  • 73,000 additional videos have been made available  
  • 30,000 additional journal titles have been made available  
  • There have been 350,000 remote accesses to online library resources  
  • 77 Chromebooks have been issued to students  
  • 585 students have registered on the Library Skills-Up module with 26,000 page views  

Future improvements: 

  • Providing a range of safe spaces for you to study on campus as soon as we are allowed to re-open. 
  • Giving you even greater access to a range of online learning resources such as e-books and journals. 
  • Providing additional online study skills sessions alongside one to one coaching and support. 
  • Enhancing the personal tutoring support and guidance that you will receive. 
  • Continuing to listen to your feedback and working with you as we design and develop  highest quality, more flexible teaching. 

Here’s what some of you have told us about your online learning experiences 

“I am extremely impressed with the quick action that UH took, well ahead of most other institutions, in closing down the University at the earliest opportunity. The decisive and strong leadership on behalf of all students and staff alike, is commendable, thank you to all concerned. Keeping students completely informed as cases were diagnosed on campus was very helpful to all.”  

“I think some lecturers are going out of their way to make sure we have full support and material. I think overall its going pretty well, considering how crazy everything is right now.” 

“Communication has been very good with daily updates and tutors being available via email for support with work also.” 

“Online lectures are interactive and interesting.” 

“I’ve actually really enjoyed online discussions, i think it gives people confidence to talk in ways they haven’t in seminars (and certainly prefer it to the idea of zoom seminars which I probably wouldn’t have felt confident enough to join).” 

Tools to support your online learning 

We want to ensure you are getting the most out of your online learning so make sure you are utilising the tools and resources that are available to you. You can read more about these in our recent blog post, Online resources that will help you to achieve your best.

You can also complete the Library SkillUP module on canvas. This will help you with vital skills such as online search and referencing!
