Why you should apply for the Go Herts Award!

We know as a student your life has been turned upside down, lots of learning has changed and adapted, but just because everyone is staying at home, it doesn’t mean we can’t support you to still achieve a Go Herts Award – an award that recognises and celebrates all your co-curricular efforts whilst studying your degree.

Any co-curricular activities you have participated in during your time at university, whether that be in term time or the holidays can count towards a Go Herts Award – this could range from any part-time work, careers workshops, active students, student representation or the Connect programme to name a few!

Don’t worry if you haven’t already started though! There are still lots of opportunities to get involved before the deadline, including making use of the online offering from the careers and employment team such as the Summer Employability Workfest. A lot of you may have started additional or new volunteering work, both online or face-to-face, to help your community during the pandemic, and we really encourage you to let us know all about these things so you can be rewarded!

All these activities dating back to your first year can be used as evidence to gain your award:

  • 100 hours of engagement = Bronze
  • 200 hours of engagement = Silver
  • 300 hours of engagement = Gold

While doing these activities, you have been building desirable graduate attributes – skills employers will look for in job applications such as leadership, problem solving and communication. Applying for the Go Herts Award will make your CV really stand out to employers in the tough graduate employment market.

LinkedIn Learning courses can also be used as part of your Go Herts award so it’s a great opportunity to develop your skills, boost your CV and stand out to future employers!

Read our blog 'How to stay on top of your studies with LinkedIn Learning' to find out more about LinkedIn Learning and what courses they offer!

“The activities I have completed over the course of my degree have not only helped me to grow as a person, they have prepared me in multiple ways for my career.” 

If you want to get involved, submit your application by Friday 28 May deadline following these simple instructions:

  1. Head on over to study net now to download your submission form and activity record 
  2. Gather your evidence, this could be certificates, hours logs, or even an email from a supervisor confirming the hours you’ve worked.
  3. Apply before Friday 28 May to ensure you’re graduating with more than just a degree.

If you need any support with your application form or evidence please email: gohertsaward@herts.ac.uk

“I wanted to come out of university with more than just a degree to my name. I wanted to come out with experiences and goals that I have achieved along the way and I was determined to use all the resources and facilities I could to my advantage. The Go Herts Award recognises all this perfectly.”
