Student tips: Keeping busy during self-isolation/quarantine

We asked you for your stories about what you have been getting up to over the past few weeks and it’s good to see so many of you are keeping busy and learning new things.

We’ve turned your stories into a helpful list of activities so we can help others who might be struggling to keep themselves motivated and connected. Thank you to everyone who shared their experiences and top tips.

Keeping connected 

Spending time with family ❤️: 

Lots of you are spending time with family, which is really important, as it will help us to feel less isolated. If you are living with your family, try to spend some quality time together and get involved in some family activities! Click here for some ideas!

If you are away from your family during the lockdown, make sure to keep in regular contact with them. There are loads of activities you can do virtually too! Check out some virtual activities for you all to do here.

TikTok πŸ˜‚: 

TikTok has also been mentioned quite a few times! It’s a great way to keep connected to the outside world while on lockdown! TikTok has endless amounts of videos for you to watch and engage with, and you can even create your own! There are loads of fun videos to make you laugh and keep you feeling positive! Download the app here.

Keeping healthy 

Sleeping πŸ’€: 

Lots of you have responded to say that you are using this time to catch up on sleep which is actually very important. Getting enough sleep is vital for our health and wellbeing. Not only does it help us to be more productive during the day, it also helps the body to repair, regenerate and recover. This is vital for the immune system and helps us to fight off infection.

Click here to find out more from the NHS about why sleep is so important.

Working out 🚴: 

Loads of you are keeping active during this time, which is great! Although we can only go outside once a day, there are lots of ways you can stay active at home. Click here for the NHS ’10 minute home cardio workout’ and more!

Eating and Drinking πŸ”: 

This is a super stressful time, so it is important to treat yourself once in a while with some nice food and drink! However, make sure you are looking after your health and try not to gorge on too many unhealthy foods while at home! This can not only be bad for your physical health, but it can make you feel very tired and unmotivated. Find out how to manage stress eating while in lockdown here.

Meditation 🧘: 

Make sure you take some time out of your day to reflect on how you are feeling and take a breather. Meditation is a great way to relieve stress and keep positive so you should definitely try it if you are feeling stressed or anxious during the lockdown. Headspace has lots of good breathing exercises to help you relax or if you want more than a simple breathing exercise, try Yoga with Adrienne. Her videos are free, and you can watch them on her YouTube.  

Gardening/relaxing in garden 🌼:  

Getting outside is really important, even if it’s just into the garden. Gardening is actually a very relaxing pastime so give it a go if you’re looking for something to pass the time. If you don’t have a garden, check out our blog on ‘Gardening without a garden.’ 

Keeping yourselves entertained 

Reading πŸ“š: 

Reading a book is a great way to relax in your free time! It is also a good way to recover from looking at a screen all day if you are studying or working. Click here for our book recommendations as well as some other ways to relax in your spare time!

Watching Netflix πŸ“Ί: 

Watching Netflix seems to be a popular activity at the moment. Now that we all have a lot of time, it’s the perfect opportunity to binge watch those Netflix series you have always wanted to see! Check out our blogs on top Netflix films and Top 20 series, for some ideas!

Getting creative 🎨: 

Lots of you are getting creative which is really nice to hear! Some of you have started writing stories and poems which is fantastic! Click here to hear about how writing has helped student Alice Okunowo during the lockdown.

One student has mentioned that they are taking a Character design and anatomy class with Aaron Blaise (Disney’s former artist), which is really exciting! Definitely something to keep you busy. Check it out here. 

Cooking or Baking 🍰: 

It’s nice to see that lots of you are taking up cooking or baking! Not only is it a very useful skill to learn but you get to eat the food afterwards, which is even better! Click here for an easy unicorn cupcake recipe to keep you busy and feeling positive!

Keeping busy  

Studying πŸ“:  

Lots of you are keeping busy and continuing to focus on your studies which is great! We are very proud that you are continuing to study hard, despite the circumstances. However, make sure you do take some time for yourself when you can! If you are struggling and in need of academic support, click here. 

Personal Development πŸ’»: 

We are glad to hear that lots of you are taking the opportunity to develop your skills during the lockdown! There are loads of ways you can continue to develop yourselves, using online resources. For example, some of you are learning a new language online, some of you are taking advantage of the LinkedIn learning courses!  This is the perfect time to build up your CV, so check out our blog for some online resources to help you develop your skills!

Have any more stories or things you would like to share with us? Get in touch 
